Last modified: March 7, 2013

To make sure this site stays safe and fun, we have established the following privacy policy:

  • In almost all activities, we will collect only non-personal information (such as first name only, age, school, and zip code). If you send us a question, we may ask for an e-mail address. We collect only enough information to make Sproglit activities fun, lively and interesting.
  • We do not share personal information that you provide with any third parties unless those third parties: (a) are engaged by us to maintain the technical functioning of our website or software, or to fulfill a request made by a user; (b) are restricted in their access and use of personal information only to the extent necessary to maintain the technical functioning of the website or software, or to fulfill a request made by a user; and (c) have promised to keep confidential the personal information that they access.
  • We do not collect, use or disclose personal information from any visitor under 13, unless a parent has given explicit permission (by postal mail, fax or phone). We will also allow parents to request that we stop using and delete such information at any time.

Sproglit uses analytics cookies from Google Analytics. These cookies are used to track how visitors use the website and software, including information such as clicks and page views. Sproglit cookies are used to remember settings that you pick for the computer you use to visit our site, but not to identify any personal information about the person using the computer. Sproglit uses the information from cookies to remember browser preferences and improve our visitors’ experiences on the site.

As you play Sproglit games, a cookie may help us understand how long visitors spend playing the games and which activities receive the most traffic.

Please check back to this policy frequently, since it is subject to change from time to time, and your continued use of the site and software is conditioned upon your acceptance of any modifications hereto.

We want to make this site, and our software, a place where families can learn and play safely. We are committed to protecting the safety of children, and we continually work to ensure that our data collection practices conform to all applicable laws, including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). If you have any comments or questions, please get in touch with us.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, send us an e-mail at